World Cosmopolitan University

World Cosmopolitan University

World Cosmopolitan University - Entrance and main Idea 

The philosophical and scientific knowledge that forms the basis of the new world paradigm and the philosophical cosmopolitan approach to human life on planet Earth needs to be both further studied and deepened and passed on to the new generations. The place assigned to this very important task is university. It should, of course, be a university system organised on the global level, which is the university system of the world state, that in its scientific research and teaching programs takes care of planet Earth and humanity living there. This indeed needs to be the ultimate goal of knowledge - improving the life of humanity on earth - and nothing else.

Universities, too, are becoming increasingly networked, global and accessible to people from everywhere. This offers great opportunities but also raises new questions and problems that need to be solved. The first steps towards a global university system have already been taken, but how can we continue and where are the stumbling blocks in terms of its organisation?


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