World Cosmopolitan Culinary Art

World Cosmopolitan Culinary Art

World Cosmopolitan Culinary Art

Als englischer Titel eventuell „World culinary art“? Der Vorschlag „World cooking art“ von deepL erscheint mir nicht ganz so gut und der neue Vorschlag bedeutet inhaltlich das gleiche.

The art of cooking is apparently a meaningful activity, even connected to the survival of the individual, for which it is one of the necessities of life. But it is precisely this serious and essential character what makes it suitable for a creative and imaginative activity, as the history of the art of cooking shows. It is not only a matter of preparing tasty food with imagination and creativity, which appeals to our sense of smell and taste as well as it affects us through its appearance, but also of cooking in a healthy way so that the food is in harmony with the physiology of our body.

The culinary art is therefore something that we practice every day, even several times a day. For this reason, it makes sense to never consider food only as a means of survival, but rather as an expression of our active artistic life (if we cook well, we are happy) or also as a form of our passive artistic life (if we eat well, we are happy even if other people have prepared the dishes). This makes life happier with an activity that we have to do anyway. In addition, if we want to improve the quality of our lives, we should eat healthily. 

The influence of the art of cooking on the environment is enormous, especially if it is not practised as an end in the artistic sense, but as a pure means of survival. The excessive consumption of meat and the intensive breeding of animals (factory farming) does not only cause enormous damage to the environment, but is also very critical from an ethical and health perspective.


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Your comments

  • Buongiorno Alessia, scusa se ti rispondo solo ora, ma stiamo ancora in fase di sperimentazione della piattaforma...Hai fatto benissimo a scrivere qui. Ti creo io una stanza. Ho bisogno solo di una foto tua qualsiasi, di una breve biografia soprattutto con i tuoi interessi principali (arti figurative, arte culinaria ecc.) e poi ovviamente la prima ricetta. A questa prima pubblicazione provvedo io, alle prossime poi tu, poiché avrai le credenziali per accedere alla tua stanza e quindi pubblicare tutto quel che vuoi. Cari saluti! Marco

    12/06/2020 - Marco de Angelis

  • Buon giorno! Se ho ben capito, per pubblicare qualche ricetta vegetariana e salutare devo creare una stanza? Oppure funziona in un altro modo?

    24/05/2020 - Alessia Fresca

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